Florida is home to hundreds of native plants that make great additions to residential landscapes while also providing resources for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. The Florida Wildflower Foundation's book, Native Plants for Florida Gardens, takes the guesswork out of using native plants in urban and naturalistic settings. Executive Director & co-author, Stacey Matrazzo, will highlight some tried-and-true native plants featured in the book and show you how you can use them to create a landscape with “real Florida” style. The book features at-a-glance keys that make it easy to determine bloom color, blooming seasons, and light and moisture requirements, as well as easy-to-read text that provides details for success, including how to plant, how to care for, and what to expect from 100 species of native wildflowers, vines, grasses, shrubs, and trees. Learn how easy it is to beautify your landscape with native plants and transform it into a living ecosystem with “real Florida” style. Grab-and-go lunch options from Carrabba’s will be available to participants for purchase starting at 11:45.
Talk is free with Gardens admission or membership. No pre-registration required. Held in the Garden Room.