logo spelling Sunken Gardens with flamingo illustration in between the two words
logo spelling Sunken Gardens with flamingo illustration in between the two words


Cultivate Lasting Connections & Community

From garden caretakers to trained docents, Sunken Gardens volunteers help preserve and enhance this historic locale and provide opportunities for the community to enjoy this educational and cultural center. Sunken Gardens volunteers make new friends, participate in unique projects, and gain knowledge from their volunteer efforts.

Apply to Volunteer

We are not currently accepting new volunteers but will keep applications on file for future reference. While you may not receive a response to your application at this time, we appreciate your interest and hope to see you at Sunken Gardens soon!
Sunken Gardens volunteers lead tours, perform garden care, assist the animal care team, help out at special events, and more. Complete the below volunteer application and our Volunteer Coordinator will respond with next steps depending on available slots and compatibility.

Volunteer Application
cream sunken gardens logo with pelican icon
Photo Credit: City of St. Petersburg & Julia Calvert
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